Smart $aver Program

Woman point to a home - Duke's Smart $aver Program - Greer's Hearing & Air

The Duke Energy Smart $aver Program offers rebates for Duke Energy customers who install qualifying HVAC systems in existing homes. This program offers homeowners an excellent opportunity to reduce energy costs while upgrading their HVAC systems. To be eligible, new equipment must be installed by a participating contractor, like Greer’s Heating & Air, and meet […]

Hurricane Season – Protect Your HVAC System

Hurrican Season - neighborhood with high wins and blowing rain - Greer's Heating & Air

Hurricane season is a time of preparation and caution. While securing your home and family is first and foremost, it’s also important to safeguard your HVAC system from potential damage. This essential equipment is vulnerable to damage during a storm. Still, with the right precautions, a well-maintained HVAC system can make a significant difference in […]

The Ideal AC Temperature for Summer

AC temperature on programmable thermostat - Greer's Heating & Air

Finding Your Cool Spot As the summer sun beats down and we have this intense heat, the question on everyone’s mind is: “What temperature should I set my air conditioner to?” There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but finding the perfect balance between comfort and energy efficiency is key. Let’s dive into some factors to consider for […]

Common HVAC Sounds and What They Mean

HVAC Sounds - Tech working on HVAC unit - Greer's Heating & Air

Silence the Strange Noises Your HVAC sounds are generally a rhythmic hum while it keeps your home comfortable season after season. But what happens when that familiar hum takes a turn for the worse? Strange noises coming from your heating and cooling system can be unsettling, leaving you wondering if it’s time to call in […]

Breathe Easy: Achieve Perfect Home Comfort

Home-Comfort-2-children-laying-with-feet-on-wall - Greers Heating and Air

At Greer’s Heating & Air, we understand the importance of home comfort. It’s your sanctuary, a place to relax and unwind after a long day. But an improperly functioning HVAC system can throw your comfort into chaos. That’s why we specialize in installing top-notch duct systems, air handlers, and entire HVAC units ensuring your home […]