We all know here in the Raleigh Durham areas we have several cold months during the year and that being without a furnace for heat just wouldn’t work. So most all of our homes have a furnace of some design. These can range from:
A furnace running on propane is one type of furnace. Generally, homeowners go with natural gas furnaces unless they are far out of the city and natural gas hasn’t been run out their way.
Heating your home with natural gas has a lot of advantages and is the most widespread type of furnace. Gas furnaces use natural gas to generate heat. In cold regions and even here in the Raleigh Durham area where gas is readily available, gas furnaces are the most commonly used heating devices for homes. They are used routinely as they are cost-effective
And then there is an electric furnace, which as it states, is run by electricity. This makes them different than other furnaces. They use electric coils, called ‘elements’, to create heat. The electricity heats up the coils and then gets passed from a resistor into this furnace to heat up the incoming air. This is a more expensive way to heat your home as anything that uses electricity to create heat is always more. Most of the apartments in the Triangle area use heat pumps to help with this expense.
Your furnace is like any other major purchase, let’s say like your car. You have to have your car regularly maintained or it will eventually break down costing hundreds or thousands of dollars. The same goes for your furnace. Keeping your home’s HVAC in good condition with routine maintenance can help it last for many years to come. A qualified technician will visit your home and make sure that everything is working appropriately, hopefully catching any little problems before they become big problems.
During the maintenance appointment, your technician will perform tests on your furnace’s components. They will also clean and lubricate any parts as needed. The technician will recommend repairs when any potential issues they find.
Generally, an HVAC technician will include some of these items in giving your furnace a tune-up:
Check electrical components
Adjust the blower speed if needed
Inspect the heat exchanger and ductwork
Test the ignitor
Inspect and adjust the flue
Adjust the pilot and burners if needed
Replace the air filter
They may even need to calibrate the thermostat
Equally distributing warmth throughout your house is a good way to make sure you’re cozy all year round. A poorly maintained furnace is the root cause of cold spots and prolonged warm-up periods.
It is best you don’t try to do this maintenance yourself. If the system doesn’t seem to be operating at optimal performance, it would be best to call in a professional. They’ll look into why your system isn’t working properly and fix the underlying issue.
If you are looking to lower your energy bill, a furnace in great working condition would help with that. You want your furnace to be able to keep up with whatever the temperature outside plummets to.
The holidays are the worst time of year to have a furnace breakdown. What an added expense and headache that would be. Routine maintenance could possibly prevent this abrupt break.
And like your car or truck, a well-maintained furnace will last longer, giving you more value for your money. One of the best things you can do for your heating system is to keep it clean and working at optimum efficiency.
Regular furnace maintenance will help keep safety hazards out of your home. You know that furnaces produce heat by burning fuel. You want to be certain that you don’t have any small gas leaks or just as bad, the silent killer – carbon monoxide leaks.
If you want to stay warm and cozy in your home this winter, and if you haven’t already done so, give us a call to have one of our techs in to check over your furnace.
And to help you with routine furnace maintenance, Greer’s offers the Comfort Club to all of our customers. Comfort Club members will enjoy lower tune-up rates of $19.99 per month for the primary system and $11 per month for secondary systems and the ease of a monthly credit card draft. Comfort Club members also receive 10% off all Indoor Air Quality products such as humidifiers, dehumidifiers, UV lights, and air filters.
Now wouldn’t that be a worry-free way to take care of your family? Call today 919-544-2652 and schedule your maintenance.
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