Holly Jolly Tune-up Sweepstakes!

Winter Tune-up Sale

New Customer Special – Only $75!

Call Now! Offer Ends February 1st

Winter Tune-up Sale

New Customer Special – Only $75!

Call Now! Offer Ends February 1st

Winter Tune-up Sale

New Customer Special – Only $75!

Call Now! Offer Ends February 1st

Pro Air Purifier $88!

Join the Comfort Club for a year and get an “Amazon Choice” Daikin – 30% Off!

The Triangle's Air Quality Service

The Triangle's Air Quality Service Since 1978

The Triangle's Air Quality Service Since 1978

The Triangle of North Carolina is a unique place. We are brimming with beautiful trees and vegetation everywhere. This is one of the reasons people flock here from other locations. But, with the vegetation comes allergens and issues with humidity.

At Greer’s Heating & Air, we have been helping people in The Triangle condition their homes’ air for over 40 years. Of course, we handle furnaces, heat pumps, and air conditioners. But improving the quality of your environment goes beyond temperature.

Allergen Removal

If you suffer from allergies, you know that The Triangle can be a challenge. We have an array of options that we service and install.

  • UV Light Units
  • Air Scrubbers with Ionization
  • Air Filtration Units
  • Duct Repair

Trust us to help you breathe easier.

Humidity Control

Many people use their A/C units to bring down the humidity in their homes. But, sometimes this leads to making the temperature too cold for comfort. If you need a sweater to be comfortable watching TV in July, you would be interested to know that installing a dehumidifier will remove the excess humidity without running your air conditioner. Yes, you can skip the sweater AND save on energy costs.

In the winter months, when the heat is running a lot, you may not have enough humidity in your home. These are the months where you beak out the lip balm and lotion. Installing a humidifier will keep you much more comfortable.

Genuine Greer’s… Genuine Peace of Mind

Your comfort at home is why we are in business. Since 1978, our family has believed that customers will come back if you treat them well. To us this means never ever treating people like a number. When you call on us for help, we take it personally. You’ll receive tailored care for every situation, simple repairs to installations.

Unparallelled Expertise

With over 40 years of experience, we can safely say, we know HVAC. It might surprise you to know that there are a lot of problems that surface when installations and repairs are not done correctly. Each technician on our team is fully trained and qualified to service your home properly.

Call Us

When you need to improve the quality of your home’s air, give us a call. We look forward to helping you.