The Ideal AC Temperature for Summer

AC temperature on programmable thermostat - Greer's Heating & Air

Finding Your Cool Spot

As the summer sun beats down and we have this intense heat, the question on everyone’s mind is: “What temperature should I set my air conditioner to?” There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but finding the perfect balance between comfort and energy efficiency is key. Let’s dive into some factors to consider for that AC temperature setting.

The 78-Degree Sweet Spot

The U.S. Department of Energy recommends setting your thermostat to 78 degrees Fahrenheit when you’re at home for optimal savings. This strikes a good AC temperature balance between keeping cool and reducing energy consumption.

Comfort is King 

Let’s be honest, 78 degrees might feel a bit warm for some folks. Your ideal temperature depends on your personal preference. If you find yourself constantly cranking the AC lower, go ahead and adjust it a bit. Remember, every degree cooler translates to higher energy bills.

Finding Your Perfect Balance

Here’s a tip: Start by setting your thermostat to the recommended 78 degrees. If you’re too hot, adjust it one degree at a time until you reach your comfort zone.  Don’t forget about ceiling fans!  Using fans can circulate cool air and make a room feel several degrees cooler.

Making it Work for You

Programmable thermostats are your friend. Set a slightly higher temperature when you’re away or asleep to save energy without sacrificing comfort during peak hours.

High humidity levels can make even a moderately warm temperature feel stifling. If you live in a humid climate, you might find setting your thermostat a few degrees lower is necessary for comfort.

Cranking the AC to super-cold levels might feel great initially, but it can lead to higher bills and discomfort when you eventually head back outside.

Keeping Cool Without Breaking the Bank

Ensure your air conditioner is properly serviced to run efficiently. You should have a professional come in and service it twice a year. That is why we created 3 price/service levels for our Comfort Club.

Check your windows and doors for leaks. Sealing any drafts will prevent cool air from escaping. But, if you don’t have a lot of allergies you can also open windows at night when the outdoor temperature dips.

By following these tips, you can find the perfect AC temperature for your summer needs, keeping your cool and your wallet happy!